News From Us
January 19, 2025
TRCC update for January 19, 2025 BURRRRRR!! I pray all of you are staying warm! Despite the temps, we had a great group in Sunday school and worship. In Sunday school, we completed ch. 8 and 9 of 2Kings. More about several kings and dynasties who display weakness and declination due to sin and conspiracies. Toward the end of ch. 8, God even threw in a divine assassination of a king by a prophet that Elisha sent to punish Israel for her sins. Wow! And ch. 9 ends with a gruesome death of …..???..check it out! Our announcements in worship included this Wednesday, 22nd, is free movie night with snacks, we plan to have potluck lunch after worship next Sunday, 26th, and our heaters in church will remain on for anyone needing a warm place this week. Our sermon given by Pastor Gary Hamrick was titled, “Spreading the Fragrance”. We camped out in 2 Corinthians ch. 2:14-17. As Pastor Hamrick reminded us in Pauls’ day, of how victorious generals from battle would parade human captives toward the kings palace with treasures and sweet incense offered, Paul compares this victory parade to our life in Christ. In relation to the city where God is our King, the smell of victory is not sweet to those who deny Christ. Pastor Hamrick explains that with Christ as our general, we will battle sin, death, the world, satan, and anyone and anything that separates us from Christ. [Rom. 7:22-25; 1 Corinthians 15:54-57; Colossians 2:13-15; 1 John 5:4-5;] Believers in Christ are responsible to spread and share what Christ and the cross has done for all of us, and to leave a fragrance [battle language] with the impression of the victory we can all be part of. Pastor Hamrick encourages us to trust Christ to give us the words to speak to others about this victory and eternal life. John 5:24!!
January 12, 2025
TRCC update for January 12, 2025 We are blessed to gather in God’s house once again! In Sunday school we got to verse 24 in the 8th chapter of 2 Kings. With discussion of another famine and the restoration of the land, we concluded that God allows hardships to instruct us of our need for Him. In regards to Israel and Judah, God is showing the lineage of David and his faith that preserved even wicked kings and kingdoms. God is good all the time!! The Church will donate to Samaritan's Purse to help out those suffering from the California fires and our collection plate from this coming Sunday will also be donated. Our announcements included reminders of the free movie night for 1/22 at 5pm and the potluck planned after services on 1/26. Everyone is welcome to join us for these events. There is a planned annual business mtg. for Feb. 2 after services. Our prayer requests were directed to those with ill health, and our praises included the moisture we received last week!! The title of our sermon in worship was, “The Courage to Obey”. Dr. Charles Stanley took us to Joshua 1:1-9 as he delivered a message on how it is not always easy to obey God. Pastor Stanley reviewed with us that Joshua needed courage to be obedient to God’s instructions to take Moses’ place in leading the people to the promise land. A huge responsibility with many dangerous challenges. [verses 6,7,9]. Another reminder Pastor Stanley gave us from this passage to gain courage in our obedience to God, is to meditate on God’s Word, [verse 8]. Pastor Stanley compared this to like a continuous conversation with God… which will produce fruits of the Spirit, purify our hearts, improve our perception of God’s will, provide us direction, increase our faith, and eventually guide us to success. Our God is in the business to bless and guide His children!! Yea!!